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I work for a company over in Australia and we specialise in reward and recognition. We're fundamentally an online gifting company, but we do work with corporate clients to get them to have a bit of a laugh through their jobs. We are surprised at how much fun can be perceived as being flippant. From what we've seen it is so important for your employer brand, to get your people telling stories about experiences they share together. This is where your suggestion of team building fits the bill. But we've also found that giving generic gifts, in other words stuff, don't really work as incentives and rewards. Youe people are more likely to remember that their employer gave them the opportunity to go experience something they would never usually buy themselves (e.g. a massage, hot air balloon ride, v8 race car driving day, or scuba diving). This gets people willingly telling all about how awesome their employer brand is. I'm sure there are similar companies over in the states. For some ideas your people will love check out our sites and look for something similar over your way. It works www.redballoondays.com.au


Is that like 'red letter days' over here? You don't know Mrs P do you?

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