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Maybe it's a result of what was entered. I don't know. I got quite vocal about it last year - mainly because based on the competition, I didn't really understand how they'd arrived at their decision, but this year I almost just can't be bothered.

I think the result reflects the quality of the awards and the judging. I can reel off several sites that could be entered, and certainly are of a far superior standard, but as I mention at the start, I guess if they aren't entered (much like with any other awards) then they aren't going to be judged. And that's not the fault of the awards themselves I guess.

As a site, the innocent one is alright, but the best in the market? No, not really. But congratulations to them, and the team that built it. It's not my cup of tea, but then maybe it's doing it's job as I'm probably not theirs! Oh well.

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