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Roger B

Hi matt
I've enjoyed your blog, but disagree with your latest comments. It's not your place to say that people should feedback back to you via the blog rather than in person or on the phone etc - leave it up to them as to how to get back to you - just because you like blogging doesn't mean everyone does! Communication is a two way thing and just because the conversation starts online it doesn't mean that it has to finish online!


Hi Roger

Thanks for the comments. I don't necessarily disagree with you either. The main point I was trying to make was that the blog is all about people expressing individual opinions and it was quite unfortunate that a small minority of people hadn't seen it that way. If people don't want to post and want to feedback in other ways than that's fine. I just wanted to point out that the blog does offer an instant right of reply!

Interesting I just spotted that Peter Gold ( http://blog.hirestrategies.co.uk/erecruitment/ )


Guru ( http://www.personneltoday.com/blogs/human-resources-guru/2007/03/challenger-faces-rayguns-at-da.html )

declared blog war on each other yesterday. Looks like it could be a good one!

Peter Gold

And how things get blown up out of all proportion as well - its not a war, it's an invasion.

Who does he think he is anyway, he's only been blogging 2 days and couldn't even submit a post LOL...

John Whitehurst

we are not the only blog where people like to debate ...




Am I missing something here - in order to read any of the blogs on Brand Republic, I have to register.

I don't want to register. I just want to read what's being said. That's irritating. And in a way, missing the point a little isn't it?

Andrew Douglas

Just goes to show that you don't ever get something for nothing!

John Whitehurst

3 mins registration - at least it is free now

before you had to pay

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