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Jamie Leonard

OK. I like reading this site. I like the commentary on the industry and I also like some of the new communication methods you guys seem to find out about before everyone, but what the hell is Twitter???? I found the Twittervision amusing yet slightly creepy for about a minute but I’m going to need more selling on this one Matt. What purpose could this serve?


Jamie, to be perfectly honest I have no idea! A load of bloggers in the states are going mad for it so I thought I'd take a look. However every so often something seemingly useless breaks through into the mainstream, so you've got to try these things. I remember a few years ago someone saying exactly the same thing to me about text messages on mobile phones.........

Jamie Leonad

Very true. As Alan Cohen said "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."


Can I ask a question - who has "possessed" Mr Jamie Leonard recently?

Keep it up chap - I'm enjoying this.

Twitter is a bizarre one - I too found it a little odd at first, but then strangely addictive - much to the detriment of the proposal I was working on at the time!!!

I think it's a case of be aware of it, watch it with interest, and then see how we can use it.

Peter Gold


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