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Peter Gold


A good find and both very real and topical! The challenge will of course be to find the right match, bursty people for bursty clients, get the match right and surely it will make for an interesting relationship.

One of the challenges will be to demonstrate real results and the evidence to support it; too often I see unproven data served up by sales people with no evidence yet taken as real by clients. Why? Because maybe they are busy not bursty? Maybe busy is easier to contend with and show how their money is spent. Weekly review meetings, daily reports, constant e-mails that are kept in the inbox and brought out when there are 'problems'. IM wouldn't give them this historical evidence of who said what (unless of course the save these chat files as well!)

Once again, I hope that results will be seen as more important than the journey, value rather than cost, bursty not busy - we can live in hope....

I think the article opens up many questions and hope this post gets some more comments.

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