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John Whitehurst

I have seen this a lot ... not just in the form of chat but also the information held on companies.

- Great examples can be seen in the graduate marketplace. The forums on doctorjob have created many debates and upset adverisers.

- I also had a very upset client at PowerGen once. Their top listing on Google was a 3 year old news story saying how they were closing all their UK Call Centers. We were running a PPC campaign at the same time recruiting for the Call Centers.

Companies can not control their brand as they did in the past - they need to learn how to talk with people (not at them).

Also forums/chats tend to control themselves. Enage with the audience, listen and then you can turn the negative into a positive.


ps. The story was on the powergens own site and we popped in a no-index tag. All was fine.


I thought this was an interesting development http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2007/aug/15/wikipedia.corporateaccountability


It terms of these things staying on the web for a very long time.....I contributed a few comments to the Guardian OBO well over two years ago and they still come up fairly high in the results when you put my name into Google! British Gas are going to coming up in a negative way in people's Google searches for a very long time to come

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