I finished my last new business pitch of the year this morning and I can now allow myself to wind down a little and reflect on the past year. Yay!
What a year its been! so much has happened that I can't sum it up in one post so I wont try, but overall its been great.
I will instead blog about my morning.
When I was getting ready this morning I was, as usual, listening to Terry Wogan on the radio when the news came on. One of the stories summed up a key theme that has permeated 2007 and will continue to be a real influencing factor on the business, social and political world in 2008 and beyond.
It centred around the development of medicine for Aids sufferers. In the past, patients would have had to take around 30 different tablets a day, often on an empty stomach. Today they can instead take one tablet to treat their symptoms. This is quite an amazing transformation, but how has this vastly improved scenario come into play?
- well, three of the major pharmaceutical companies who are major competitors collaborated to make this a reality. The sharing of intellectual capital and resources for a greater good...fantastic.
Collaboration between companies, people and organisations is transforming the social and business world we now operate in. This goes back to my earlier post in May when I got excited to hear about Proctor and Gamble operating an open source policy, something more and more companies and organisations are doing to great effect.
What has enabled this age of collaboration? - The Internet.
The company we pitched for this morning is the world's largest steel company and through research over the last couple of months it been really interesting to note that three of the most important factors affecting businesses, certainly according to Global CEO surveys are Collaboration, Innovation and People.
In a knowledge economy, collaboration, innovation and great people are critical to business success. Its clear that in 2008 things are going to get even more interesting for us all
To my fellow bloggers, its been a real highlight to work and get to know you all in 2007 and thanks everyone for contributing to the discussion. Look forward to chewing the fat in 2008.
Have a lovely Christmas and New Year everyone.
p.s. thanks Matt for getting the whole blogging thing started.