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Louise Triance


I got quite excited when I spotted this in the Guardian (sad I know). I was surprised to find I knew of less than half a dozen of the blogs they listed and disappointed to find I wasn't interested in subscribing to many of the others.

Regards, Louise

Eddie A

Shame they did not add the traffic stats with them...that would have made interesting reading...

Stephen Fowler

Hi Matt

I had a quick look over the list and to be honest I thought the list was quite poor, in fact how did they come up with the list in the first place "the worlds most powerful blogs"

So "A girl with a one track mind" is powerful and influential, I don't think so!

The only true list is the technorati top one hundred, certainly more accurate.

You would think the Guardian could have come up with a better list.

Sorry for the rant
I agree with Louise


John Whitehurst

I saw this and it made me shake ... they are trying to take an old media viewpoint and relate it to blogging.

The 'power' view looks back at the old media structures. I feel that focus of the writer and the relevance to the individual reading the blog is the most important factor.

Not what some journalists at the guardian think ...

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