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Jamie Leonard

Lets be honest, it's not like the "The Top Position" has any form when it comes to undertsanding of the internet.



really interesting post Alex, made me think.

I appreciate John McCain's honesty in his admission that he doesn't know anything about computers and the Internet. It is a bit of a worry though, if his non usage of such a fundamental, world changing medium means he doesn't actually 'get it' and his policies and decisions reflect that for the USA and by default the world.
However I guess we may be naive to think that the president of the Unites States is the actual one making the decisions.

The statistic that 50% of the USA top executives will retire in the next four years points to the demographic challenges facing employers of an ageing workforce with not enough younger talent to fill the vacating positions.

At the same time though, this gives hope that when the old guard retire to their golf courses and holiday homes in Florida, digital natives/immigrants will at last get their hands on the reins of power and be making the decisions.



I guess we aren't the leaders of the future then.

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