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dom sumners

as i am up early - i will chip in again!
1. Big believer in competition and different models for different clients. Our success here was to a certain extent based on being much cheaper than the trad agency model (i like to think it was also quality experience and knowledge too!) so i will try not to bleat too much about price.
2. Through good digital recruitment methods (brand, attraction, process)- a company's CPH should be under the fixed fee model price - so it can be a myth to look at it as a cost saving model (depends on nature of roles of course)
3. Peter Gold made a point about 80/20 rule of response and with some of the boards included in the fixed fee packages (gisajob crapjobsincroydon etc) this rule is more 99/1. So in many ways the good boards are shafting themselves by being clubbed together with junk.
4. whenever i advise my friends or fellow SMEs on recruiting someone in most efficient way. My advice still remains - branded job posting with well written optimised copy on the best most relevant jobboard supported by a wee PPC campaign (£100) and so far it always works. Maybe i should rebrand that advice as flat fee recruitment - you pay a fixed fee and recruit a really good person.
Good Luck to everyone and vive la difference!

stuart mockford

Alex I suspect this may have run it's course apart from poor Dom who was clearly having trouble sleeping, no comments at all, nada! So either everyone has gone to the South of France or nobody is interested any more.

While we have a "national treasure" FTSE 100 retailer (who shall remain nameless) achieving application completion rates of less than 2% to their branded vacancies - and thinking they are doing rather well, I'm afraid this is going to remain a sad fact of life online for the vast majority.

Alex Hens

Maybe - maybe not.

Everyone has said what they needed to I agree - but this follow up post wasn't about generating debate (they aren't always), but rather to show this as it is. Because from some of the previous comments it would seem as if the Job Boards are actually oblivious to what's really happening across their sites. And I truly wonder whether the Job Boards can afford to sustain this model.

And as for your "national treasure" - maybe they could do with getting their employer brand work looked at - or their application process/ATS.


Jamie Leonard

Alex, if nothing else my friend, it bought a debate to a head here at TheLadders and a definitive ruling has been made which our flat fee friends will be made aware of very soon.

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