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Like the attempt - in terms of simple audience focussed concept and writing - but thinks the format sucks big time.

Is it lazy or being too cool for skool? - or am I absolutely off the game here? I just see no point in making the site one annoying mass scroll.

Websites are great places to deliver information whilst engaging an audience - but you shouldn't have to work so hard to find your way around them. Usability and navigability go hand in hand and are what maketh a site not so annoying you switch off - so I have a real aversion to any site that sets out to make my experience accessing the information it delivers a bit of a pain in the bum. If it's a great whizzy new creative interface then I'll maybe stick with it if it's really highly engaging. But this is so simple it's like a secondary school web designers project.

I should be able to see where I am in relation to the site architecture certainly most of the time, have an idea of where I've been and easily select where I next want to go. "back to top" and the worlds longest scrolling page - just lazy delivery.

Of course I'm sure it's not really laziness - just an unashamed pursuit to emulate face book et al., but please people, facebook is the way it is because of what it is. It wouldn't have taken a lot more effort to have broken this nicely into a navigable site and still retained the "it's sooooo cool working in advertising chap" look and impact.

Sorry - just would have expected better. much better.


john Whitehurst

i said great tone of voice (look at how they explore the ideas and use an emotional appeal wrapped around rational information) ...

i think it is just a sign of age - not down with the kids ... i am off home for a horlicks


I know - and you're right - but for me it raised further questions in regards to use of the medium.

Interestingly enough though - popped along to the Reed Packed Lunch last week. Main presentation (unless listening to economic tales of nervousness and woe are what you'd class as the main event) was from their Head of Blogging and lo and behold he had a screen grab from this site as a wonderful example of blogging going mainstream.

Still hold it could have been executed far more user sympathetically - but once again, by virtue of the fact we're talking about it maybe it's done it's job and then some.


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