Don't you wish your work was a good as this work?!
I do.
Great Casestudy from the OldSpice creative people. Really recommend grabbing a coffee and watching this. If nothing else it'll give you a head start on formulating a response for your next brief from a client that will go something like:
"we have a very modest and limited budget, with no brand to speak off in a particularly unsexy industry - but we'd really like to do something like the Old Spice you-google social media thing. So we'd like to see what you might do for us that would be "viral" please."
love this campaign, such a clever way to interact and engage with an audience in real-time.
At our recent conference, one of the audience asked whether creativity in advertising was all about real people these days, thus rendering 'creative' campaigns redundant. I had just seen this campaign and thought it was a great example of how you can still use 'creative' characters, yet have genuine, real-time dialogue and interaction with an audience via multi media.
Never got to make the point in real life...microphone was too far away...
Oh and is it embarassing to admit to voting in the current BT ad campaign?
'Adam and Jane's What happens next....You decide.
Posted by: Sinead Bunting | 20/08/2010 at 12:09 AM